‘He who plants a tree, plants hope’
Greenfield international School, Dharapuram celebrated the Vanamahotsav week from July 10 to 17 with great enthusiasm and excitement. The week began with a bang with an assembly on Vanamahotsav being conducted before the whole school. This was followed by a weeklong activities centering on the positive aspects of tree planting and what it means to have greenery all around us.

The Foundation stage children celebrated this week as Green Week with activities such as chlorophyll painting, Salad Day and ‘Deck and Depict’ competition where they were expected to come dressed up as either a green vegetable or a fruit. The children took part in all activities with great enthusiasm and proved their worth.

The young ones of Grades 2 and 3 went on nature walk and learnt the names of trees and how to plant a sapling. Bird feeders were also hung on the wide array of trees available at the school premises

We had representatives from the Kangayam Vergal trust which is into spreading the word around about tree plantation, come and address our children and gift them with a seed and a grow bag to nurture a plant which would ultimately grow into a tree.

A journal was created with Green activities encompassing all areas of learning-Science, literature, math and Social Studies. This had activities which involved parents too, which was greatly appreciated by them when shared with them.

It was a week well spent with the children learning a lot more about trees and the importance of a
Tree festival.