At GFIS, we understand that every child's potential reaches far beyond the
confines of traditional academic curriculum, encompassing diverse facets such
as creativity, athleticism, and intellectual brilliance. Hence, we are committed
to providing an enriching platform that encourages students to step beyond
the textbooks, enabling a holistic learning experience through an array of
activities and comprehensive programmes.

Our Extra-curricular Activities are designed not merely as an extension of
classroom learning but as a vibrant space where students can discover and
cultivate their unique interests. These activities provide an excellent
opportunity for students to interact with a diverse group of individuals,
fostering social skills and team spirit. They offer an avenue to explore varied
areas of interest, boost self-confidence, hone leadership abilities, and even
enhance academic performance — all within an enjoyable and stimulating

Unfold the world through workshops, field trips, and sports Programmes:

With the belief that learning extends beyond the classroom walls, we at GFIS
organize regular field trips, excursions, and visits. These outings provide
students with real-world experiences, stimulating their curiosity and enhancing
their understanding of the world around them.

Our sports programmes and physical education form a crucial part of our
curriculum, ensuring the overall fitness and well-being of our students while
nurturing their competitive spirit and teamwork.

Our engaging workshops and interactive sessions are carefully curated to
supplement the classroom learning, providing students with a broader
perspective and deeper understanding of various subjects.

Join us at GFIS, where we believe in creating a vibrant learning environment
that cultivates not just academic excellence, but also the growth and
development of the whole child. Let your child embark on this enriching
journey to discover, learn, and excel.

Embrace the power of news in education:

Our unique programme is designed to mould the minds of our young learners by nurturing a culture of regular reading. This initiative brings the world's happenings right into our classrooms, transforming current events into valuable teaching tools.

Through this programme, we help students broaden their horizons, encouraging them to keep abreast of global affairs while simultaneously refining their analytical and critical thinking skills. With the newspaper as a dynamic educational resource, we guide our students to connect classroom learning with real-world scenarios, promoting their curiosity and fostering a deeper understanding of their lessons.

Join GFIS, where education comes alive through the power of news, cultivating informed and inquisitive minds for the future.

Discover your potential through olympiads:

At GFIS, we believe in providing our students with diverse opportunities to challenge their abilities and compete at a global level. To this end, we offer participation in various
Olympiads and other standardized tests.

These competitive platforms serve not only as a measure of academic prowess, but also as a means to expose our students to international educational standards. They are a perfect arena for identifying students with exceptional skills and talents.

Through these competitions, we aim to inspire our students to aim higher, providing them with a pathway to enhance their performance and reach their full potential.

Join GFIS to experience an educational journey that transcends the ordinary, fostering a culture of excellence and global competitiveness.



* To Trigger interest among students in scientific  experiments. (Science behind daily life activities)
* To encourage individual and group activities.
(Science Expo, quiz, charts, models, discussions) .
* To keep the students in touch with recent advances in technology.
*Inclusion of science news in assembly.
*Celebrating birthdays of eminent scientists .
*Arranging field visit to places of scientific interest.


*To learn about Application of Mathematics in different fields.
*To know about  Indian Mathematicians.
* To learn how to manipulate money by conducting Sales Fair( Using all operations on Math..For Ex : How to find Profit and Loss)
* To understand the sums in Math operations using Hopscotch game.
* To learn about Logical reasoning using puzzles and quiz.
* To Make them  understand about the combination and sequence of numbers using palindrome game.
* To understand spatial visualization and geometric concepts using Tangram


The aim of the club is to inculcate among students a love for language and literature and  enhance their literary skills. The club will cover all three languages.
The club will provide a platform for: Spell bee | Speech and drama | Story telling | Essay and poem writing | Debate of confidence | Reading | Recitation


* Develop a feeling of empathy and sensitivity in the children.    
*  Make the students realize the value of giving and sharing.      
* Connect the student with those are less fortune.      
* Spread happiness through giving.
* Organize various kinds of Sale at school to collect money for Charity purposes.
* Organize visits to nearby hospitals, orphanages and old age homes.Offer help to people in need withing the school.


* To understand who and what we are.
* To take pride in the unique diversity of India’s cultural identity.
* To take care of the past so as to create a better future.
* To give an exciting dimension to learning.
* To create awareness and a sense of belonging among students and inculcate in young minds a feeling for Indian heritage.
* To design programs  involving students in various activities geared towards heritage awareness and education for learning a craft, museum visits, and conservation at home and at school.
Celebration of all important Festivals and National Days of India.

The Eco Warriors Club:

*Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
*Promote ethos of conservation of water by optimizing the use of water.
*Motivate students to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation, source separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
*To develop skills of observation, experimentation, survey, recording, analysis, reasoning needed for conserving environment through activities
*Organize seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the school to motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean Socio activities like Gardening...Walkathon.... Marathon...paper bags...
Triple 'R'...Reduce Reuse and Recycle"