In an effort to bring variety to the enrichment programme being conducted in the school, the GFIS Management organized for a 2 day Robotics workshop for children of grade 6 upwards.

Since Robotics and Coding are creative activities that students from any discipline can engage in, it was decided to give the students an exposure to aspects such as Block based programming, involving Basic programming concepts, sequences, loops, events and conditioners.

About 80 students participated in this 2 day workshop of which 50% were girls, enjoying every bit of it. They absorbed a lot of basic concepts and obtained knowledge of Hardware, coding and integration of chip pins, current flow, controller, uploading of developed code to the processor, sensor object, port details, shield fixation, wire connections and so on through hands on experience and they clarified their doubts immediately

Despite not being exposed to a lot of digital technology in their day to day life, the facilitators marvelled at the quickness with which the children grasped the concepts, applied them and put them to practical use. They even asked some leading questions which resulted in more knowledge and therefore more learning.

The Management is very happy with the positive response of the children to the workshop.