The reach and spread of Yoga and Music spans continents and cuts across differences of colour, class and creed. Both have spread harmony between Man and Nature and given a holistic approach to health and well -being.

Keeping this in mind, Greenfield International School, Dharapuram hosted a wonderful celebration of both music and Yoga in the esteemed presence of their Chief Guest, Shri Ram Gopalrathinam, Social worker and a Yoga exponent.

Once the traditional lamp was lit and the Chief Guest, Shri Ram Gopalrathinam, founder of Niraamaya Yoga Kendra, had addressed the gathering, the senior students took over the stage and presented a wonderful repertoire of songs to a thunderous applause from the audience, ranging from patriotic and philosophical songs in Tamil to peppy and motivational ones in English.

What came next was the highlight of the whole programme. Parents and students of Greenfield International school got together and participated in community Yoga ,using the basic asanas.This was followed by a special display of some difficult asanas by the children of Middle School followed by the formation in which again a variety of asanas were used.

The program ended with all the children and their parents being treated to a generous helping of hot millet porridge.