While the month of August had seen us celebrating the colour GREEN, September saw children from Kindergarten to Grade 5 pay homage to the pure colour of WHITE in a variety of ways.

The celebration began with an introduction about the significance of white colour. Students were all dressed up in white. They were excited while doing the the various activities as part of the Cultural presentation by them.

The Kindergarteners had picked on models of an igloo, a cloud, the white walls of a house and a white dove to talk about how and why these were white.Likewise children across the Foundational and Preparatory stage spoke about white light, white water vapour, ice and snowflakes, a snowman and even moon and stars.

In short the motive of spreading awareness about the concept of the colour white among children was achieved. It was exciting to see the little children enjoying as well as learning through the various activities that they put up.

It was an amazing learning experience that has had a long-lasting effect on each student..