It was the Kindergartener’s Day Out on August 4 when the tots of LKG and UKG went on a sightseeing trip of their small town of Dharapuram.The idea behind such a trip was to introduce them to familiar sights and landmarks of Dharapuram-the bus station ,the market place, the police and the fire station ,the wind farm, the reputed hospitals, the supermarkets, the temples, church and mosque of our town and last but not the least River Amravati.

The children saw the whole town from the safety of the school bus in which they travelled except for the UKG tots who got down at the wind farm to gaze at the TALL windmill in awe.

All the children, from the KG tots to the senior children put their best foot forward and delighted the audience.
The next day, on August 15, the teachers of GFIS gathered together for flag hoisting. Tricolored sweets were distributed.